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Source: Yulia Naumenko / Getty

OnlyFans incurred the wrath of sex workers and supporters after announcing a ban on sexually explicit material on its popular content subscription service. With the backlash coming at a rapid clip, the company has reversed its porn ban decision and the greasy palms of #RealBeaters Twitter land are celebrating as expected.

OnlyFans issued a statement via its Twitter channel on Wednesday morning (August 15) explaining why they reversed course on the controversial and financially impactful ban.

From the OnlyFans Twitter account:

Thank you to everyone for making your voices heard.

We have secured assurances necessary to support our diverse creator community and have suspended the planned October 1 policy change.

OnlyFans stands for inclusion and we will continue to provide a home for all creators.

The statement concluded in the following tweet that read, “An official communication to creators will be emailed shortly.”

The ban was to begin on October 1, which would have been a tough blow to the hundreds of thousands of content creators that use the platform to sell videos, photos, and other services. Some OnlyFans creators have been so successful that they’ve been able to leave dead-end day jobs and totally transform their lives.

The initial reasoning for the ban was that banking partners of OnlyFans no longer wanted to do business with the company due to its model, and the announcement has reportedly had a negative impact on the bottom line of a number of creators if responses on Twitter are true. Some are also speculating that OnlyFans realized the folly of its ways and didn’t want all that cash walking out the door.

Either way, OnlyFans will continue to allow the content model to thrive has it has over the past couple of years and fans on Twitter are delighted. Check out the reactions below.

Photo: Getty

OnlyFans Reverses Porn Ban Decision, #RealBeaters Twitter Celebrates  was originally published on
















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